Kanellos, the Greek dog/el perro griego/o cachorro grego /der griechische Hund/il cane greco/den grekiska hunden
كانيلوس، الكلب اليوني/ یونانی سگ/ Канеллос, собака греческий
كانيلوس، الكلب اليوني/ یونانی سگ/ Канеллос, собака греческий

Τον λένε Κανέλλο ή Λούκ; Ποιος ξέρει; Οι γνώμες διίστανται. Πάντως τα διεθνή ΜΜΕ, αλλά και τα μπλόγκ όλου του κόσμου έμαθαν για τη περίπτωση του αδέσποτου σκυλάκου που δίνει βροντερό παρόν σε όλες τις διαδηλώσεις και τα συλλαλητήρια στο κέντρο των Αθηνών και εντυπωσιάστηκαν με τη στάση του.
Ο μούργος με το κανελί λεπτό τρίχωμα εμφανίζεται σχεδόν σε κάθε φωτογραφία από τις ελληνικές διαδηλώσεις, και όπως φαίνεται είναι πρωτεργάτης των διαμαρτυριών εναντίον των μέτρων λιτότητας και του ΔΝΤ. Υπάρχει μάλιστα σκέψη να τον ανακηρύξουν ως τη μορφή ή το παγκόσμιο σύμβολο ενάντια στη νέα τάξη πραγμάτων. Η εφημερίδα Guardian του αφιερώνει ολόκληρο slide show (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2010/may/06/greece-protest?picture=362290874) με σειρά φωτογραφιών, που απεικονίζουν τον λεοντόκαρδο Κανέλλο να τα βάζει με τα ΜΑΤ.
Κανέλλο ζεις εσύ μας οδηγείς.
Ο Κανελος, ο σκυλος που ολοι γνωριζουν στην Αθηνα, κατοικος ΕΜΠ,πεταχτηκε σαν αδεσποτος, οταν χρειαστηκε την αναγκη των ανθρωπων που αγαπα! Κατω τα χερια από την ζωντανη Ιστορια! Ανθρωποι φτανει με την αλαζονια σας! Ο Κανελος ειναι μερος της ιστοριας του ΕΜΠ και των κινηματων μιας δεκαετιας. Μεγαλωσαμε με αυτον!
![]() By Brett Michael Dykes, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100507/ts_ynews/ynews_ts1963, Fri May 7, 5:09 pm ET It's a time-honored adage that anyone in Washington who wants a friend had better get a dog. But who knew that man's best friend would also be a boon to Greek rioters? Amid the turmoil of the Greece financial crisis, photos and videos of street protests have turned up a kind of canine "Where's Waldo" figure: a mutt that may have some German shepherd genes, and clearly has a strong interest in civic disorder. While one can't be certain that it's the same pooch at every protest — Athens is something of a magnet for street-savvy stray dogs — this mutt does sport a distinctive blue collar, which may indicate that, while he's a stray, he's also current on his shots. By some accounts, the dog has been on the Athens protest scene ever since 2008 (though some say the 2008 pooch is a similar-looking dog named Kanellos who established himself as a fixture at demonstrations and died that year). The current mutt has won a long string of blog tributes and a number of online nicknames, including "Rebel Dog," "Riot Dog" and "Protest Dog." He even has a Facebook page devoted to him (as "Riot-Dog"). Here's a sample of his protest outings (with apologies to Kanellos partisans if he's inadvertently included here). Click image to see a slide show of the Greek riots' canine visitor(s) — Brett Michael Dykes is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News. |
| ![]() slate.fr, Samedi 8 Mai 2010 Qui est donc Kanellos? C'est The Guardian qui l'a rendu célèbre en lui consacrant un diaporama. Kanellos, le chien manifestant grec a fait le tour du web. Le site du quotidien britannique nous apprenait que ce chien avait été vu lors de quasiment toutes les manifestations en Grèce depuis deux ans. Photos à l'appui, on peut suivre le canin révolutionnaire au collier bleu dans les rues d'Athènes, narguant les forces de l'ordre, résistant aux gaz lacrymogènes, aux balles en caoutchouc, ou réconfortant ces «camarades» manifestants bipèdes. De nombreux autres médias lui ont consacré des diaporamas et des petits articles, son histoire rafraichissante permettant de donner un éclairage plus «décalé» des manifestations grecques marquées par des violences et même la mort d'au moins trois personnes dans l'incendie d'une banque, le 5 mai. Kanellos («Cannelle» en français) a sa vidéo YouTube (et aussi celle-ci) et même sa page facebook qui comptait dimanche plus de 12 000 fans. Mais Kanellos n'est peut-être pas le seul manifestant canin d'Athènes. Déjà, Libération nous apprenait que le fameux Kanellos des récentes manifestations était sûrement Kanellos II, le premier du nom étant apparemment mort en 2008 des suites d'une paralysie des pattes arrières. L'actuel se nommerait même Loukanikos, or «Louk» selon le GlobeandMail. Newsweek continue à battre en brèche la légende du chien protestataire athénien solitaire. En fait, il y aurait bien plus de deux Kanellos et photographes et internautes ont pu être un peu abusés par une raison simple. Les chiens errants athéniens, très nombreux, porteraient tous le même style de collier: un bleu pour les mâles, un rouge pour les femelles. L'accessoire est fourni par les bénévoles de la municipalité d'Athènes lorsqu'ils sont vaccinés et stérilisés et contient une balise permettant de retrouver l'animal. Il n'y aurait donc pas un mais bien plusieurs chiens révolutionnaires à qui le site de Newsweek rend également hommage en treize photos dans un diaporama intitulé «L'enthousiasmante histoire des chiens grecs prostestataires». |
Kanellos: o cachorro grego anarquista
EXCLUSIVO | ELE é um mito e também um exemplo para muitos gregos. Estamos falando de Kanellos, um cachorro de rua que não perde um protesto em Atenas. Diante de uma semana recheada de manifestações populares que acabaramm em momentos violentos na Grécia, especialmente na capital Atenas, o cachorro Kanellos é tido por muitos como um cão que conhece luta pelos direitos do povo.HÁ imagens de Kanellos participando de protestos, de estudantes ou da classe trabalhadora, por diversos anos. Sua fama acabou de espalhando e o cachorro foi até capa de jornais locais. Estudantes da Universidade de Atenas afirmam que o cão sempre participou das reuniões estudantis e que viveu no campus até falecer em julho de 2008. No entanto, o mito continua, e muitos turistas e cidadãos gregos afirmam que ainda encontram Kanellos circulando pelas ruas da cidade.COMO qualquer mito, Kanellos (que significa a cor ‘canela’ em português), ganhou espaço na internet. Por meio de um blog anarquista, videos no YouTube e até um perfil no Facebook, sua história se perpetua. Aliás, o exemplo de Kanellos não para de influenciar outros cães. Acabo de assistir algumas cenas de manifestações de gregos que aconteceram essa semana e lá estava um cachorro à frente da multidão. Será que era Kanellos?
![]() 07 Mai Wie abgefahren.The Guardian hat eine Fotostrecke über “Kanellos the Protest Dog”. Kanellos ist ein griechischer Hund, der seit zwei Jahren regelmäßig auf Demonstrationen und Protesten in Athen gesichtet (und fotografiert) wird. Jegliche Interviewanfragen blieben bislang unbeantwortet, daher ist die genaue politische Gesinnung von Kanellos nicht eindeutig geklärt, den Fotos nach zu Urteilen sympathisiert er allerdings mit der Seite der Demonstranten. Jedenfalls ist bislang kein Foto aufgetaucht, welches ihn in Verbindung mit der Polizei bringen würde. Zur Fotostrecke auf “The Guardian”: Kanellos the greek protest dog Update: Der politisch engagierte Hund hat es anscheinend in Griechenland schon zu einer gewissen Berühmtheit gebracht. So hat Kanellos bereits eine eigenen Blog (über deren Inhalt ich dank mangelnder Griechischkenntnisse leider nichts sagen kann): Kanellos Blogspot Und ein Fanvideo auf Youtube hat es bereits auf respektable 65.000 Hits gebracht (siehe weiter unten) | ![]()
E' già diventato un mito Kanellos, il cane meticcio, che da due anni si unisce ai manifestanti greci, partecipando attivamente alla rivolta che ha raggiunto l'apice in questi giorni dopo il piano di tagli e rinunce drastiche sancito dal governo a causa del grave default finanziario del Paese. Lo si vede sfidare in prima linea i poliziotti schierati con caschi, scudi e bastoni, oppure prendersi la sua buona dose di fumogeni gialli o di vernice rossa. Nemmeno gli idranti lo atterriscono, anzi li attende con piacere per rinfrescarsi un po'. Certe volte si stende davanti alla fila di agenti schierati, o gioca col nastro colorato che dovrebbe servire a interdire l'accesso in alcune aree della capitale greca. Non lo spaventano nemmeno il fuoco e le fiamme. Kanellos si limita ad abbaiare alle forze di sicurezza in assetto di attacco, ma non assalta mai i poliziotti. Anzi, cerca persino di dissuaderli accucciandovi davanti con un approccio gandhiano. I tanti fotografi che lo hanno immortalato non sono riusciti a scoprire se il cane più famoso della Grecia abbia un padrone, probabilmente è uno dei tanti animali randagi che vivono nel boschetto ai piedi dell'Acropoli. Però gli hanno dato un nome davvero meritato, kanellos, cane coraggioso. |
Бездомная дворняга по кличке Канеллос с 2008 года не пропускает ни одной серьёзной заварухи в Афинах. Пёсика не могут остановить ни слезоточивый газ, ни травмы, ни служба по отлову бездомных животных. Крутые замесы — его стихия. Благо в Афинах они регулярны.
Kanellos, le chien révolutionnaire
Il semble être de toutes les manifestations en Grèce depuis fin 2008. Son surnom sur Internet: Kanellos.
Photographié ici en décembre 2009, Kanellos ne serait en fait que le deuxième du nom. Un premier chien manifestant, Kanellos I, qui aurait eu ses habitudes sur le campus de la fac, serait mort en 2008 après une paralysie des pattes arrières (AFP/ARIS MESSINIS).
Photographié ici en décembre 2009, Kanellos ne serait en fait que le deuxième du nom. Un premier chien manifestant, Kanellos I, qui aurait eu ses habitudes sur le campus de la fac, serait mort en 2008 après une paralysie des pattes arrières (AFP/ARIS MESSINIS).

Rebel Dog
A photographic series of a rebelious stray dog in Athens
To Rebel Dog μπλογκ ειναι ενα προτζεκτ σε εξέλιξη. Θα συνεχίσουμε να προσθέτουμε φωτογραφίες, καταγράφοντας την ιστορία των διαδηλώσεων στην Αθήνα με κοινό παρονομαστή τον ρεμπελο σκυλο. Αν έχετε φωτογραφίες του, μπορείτε να τις στείλετε στο revoltingdog@gmail.com (παρακαλούμε, μόνο του συγκεκριμένου σκυλου)
The REBEL DOG blog is a work in progress. We will keep on adding more photos of this rebel dog. If you want to contribute to this series of photos please send your photo to revoltingdog@gmail.com (please, just photos of the specific dog)
If you are a TWITTER user you can follow us @rebeldog_ath

This is another photo moment of this lovely Rebel Dog’s portrait
Greek Parliament at Syntagma square
Smoke and tear gas
(11 March 2010).
Rebel Dog goes for the motorcycle cops (1:30’ - 2:20’).
O Rebel Dog την πέφτει ψαρωτικά σε Δελτάδες (1:30’ - 2:20’).

(UNKNOWN DATE) Stand up for what you believe!
(9 jan 2009) Riots one year after the murder of 16y Alexandros by cops

(UNKNOWN DATE) Where the action is…
(14 feb 2009) A Valentine’s gift. Beware of greek strays, bearing police -do not cross- barriers
OK! let’s clear this out. Rebel Dog is not Kanellos. Do you want to know about Kanellos?
The legendary Kanellos passed away about 2 years ago. His name means ‘Cinnamon’. He lived a long and free life. He must have been about 17 when he died. He was always there to stand next to the students, the protesters and the people hanging around the central area of Athens, especially at Exarcheia. In his last 12 years he moved into the Polytechneio premises, the Technical University of Athens which is in the Exarcheia area. He became a frequenter, more frequent than many students and started to hang around the corridors, the classes and students’ councils becoming more of a friend than a mascot. When the Dean of the Architecture department called the dog catcher the people rised. A petition and even a demostration was held, in demand of Kanellos release. Finally they let him go but he was already worned out by arthritis and old age and had trouble walking. The students gathered money and bought him a wheelchair for dogs. One student took him in so he could take care of him in his last days. Kanellos finally passed away on the 2nd of july 2008 and returned again into Polytechneio where he was buried accompanied by many of his friends.
Rebel Dog is just one of the new generation of political strays. You can find strays attending demostrations in many cities of Greece, such as Thessaloniki. All the dogs would like to be like Kanellos, free, happy and restless
Here are photos of the late Kanellos…
A song for Kanellos…
(translated extract)
A song for the dog, Kanelos / who bit me but I understand him / he consists in his point of view with passion / that I wrongly live my life

(9 january 2009)
On a demostration about education cuts. Greece cannot afford money for education but must buy ships, planes, submarines and weaponry from our good - weapon manufacturing - allies, so that we have to borrow money from them and from the IMF in inconceivably high rates of interest.
interesting isn’t it?
On a demostration about education cuts. Greece cannot afford money for education but must buy ships, planes, submarines and weaponry from our good - weapon manufacturing - allies, so that we have to borrow money from them and from the IMF in inconceivably high rates of interest.
interesting isn’t it?
What Did You Learn In School?
(6 april 2010)
Got milk?
The greek farmers infront of the parliament, spilled milk on the street. They protest over the highway robbery by the big dairy multinational companies who are buying the farmers’ milk for nothing and are selling it to the people at very high prices.
Rebel dog is on the side of the farmers. In the meanwhile he is testing the milk and finds it quite delicious
Got milk?
The greek farmers infront of the parliament, spilled milk on the street. They protest over the highway robbery by the big dairy multinational companies who are buying the farmers’ milk for nothing and are selling it to the people at very high prices.
Rebel dog is on the side of the farmers. In the meanwhile he is testing the milk and finds it quite delicious

(1 May 2010)
Heading to work
Heading to work

(5 may 2010)
Today 3 people died because some criminaly idiot criminals set fire in a bank, here in Athens. This is not a revolutionary act, you fools, it’s murder.
A huge demostration of people and the lives of three ruined so foolisly. The head of the Bank, as it seems, gave orders to the managers to keep employees working or else they would be fired. This bank’s branch was right in the middle of the demostration area and was not secured or had any fire-safety measures. As a result of all of the above three workers died from asphyxiation, before anyone can manage to save them.
This is a very sad day for anyone with a consciense.
inspired by the work of SAUL BASS, ART GOODMAN and DAVE NAGATA.
hitchcock typeface by MATT TERICH. tumblr theme by MATTHEW BUCHANAN.
hitchcock typeface by MATT TERICH. tumblr theme by MATTHEW BUCHANAN.
a prestigious name in Greek history/Un nom prestigieux dans l'histoire grecque/un nombre prestigioso en la historia griega
a prestigious name in Greek history/Un nom prestigieux dans l'histoire grecque/un nombre prestigioso en la historia griega

Κανέλλος Δεληγιάννης
Kanellos Deligiannis1780–1862
Στρατηγός της Επανάστασης του 1821General of the Greek Revolution of 1821Général de la révolution grecque de 1821General de la Revolución griega de 1821
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